CONTACT (513) 772-3666


CM Personnel is a generalist recruiting firm that can service your organization in a wide variety of disciplines. Within the recruiting group we have individuals that specialize to a specific industry or skill set. Finding and securing the right type of talent for your company is critical for your continued growth and success. We have proven methods and processes that have provided key people who can make a difference and contribute to your company mission.

Create a Profile

Create your account here and browse through hundreds of jobs available right now for your unique abilities. Learn more about employers and what makes them a great fit for your lifestyle.

Have Questions?

Reach out and let us know how we can assist you during your job search. The executive personnel at CM Personnel is always ready to be next to you in every step of the way.


Browse through our wide selection of job posts and find the one that fits your profile and skills.

Providing Career Guidance

We currently service most all types of business including Manufacturing, Service, and Logistic organizations.


From Tax and Audit to Treasury and M&A, our Accounting recruiters help mid to senior-level executives discover their best opportunities.


We are expert recruiters in Finance, Private Equity, Strategy, M&A, and Treasury who can help develop your career with skill and insight.

Human Resources

HRM is rapidly evolving. Our HR recruiters understand these dynamics and help find jobs that lead to successful careers.

Information Technology

IT moves at a rapid pace, and so do we. Our experts quickly place IT candidates in positions that leverage their skills and build careers.


Our Legal recruiters expertly assist attorneys to make insightful, strategic career moves that generate lasting, positive impact on their careers.

Skilled Technicians

From a region to a nation to the world, products drive economies. Our Manufacturing recruiters help you find the jobs that produce success.

Year after year, you will have the comfort of knowing the same management team will be serving your company with consistency and professionalism.